Business School NewsNews
CEO of InterGestFrance S.A.S.Visited CUFE
Date :2014-12-26

November 25th, 2014, Peter Anterist, the CEO of InterGest France S.A.S.visited CUFE as visiting professor of the CUFE Business School.Vice president Zhao Lifen received the guests and approved friendly relationship and cooperation between InterGest and CUFE. The Secretary of Party General Branch GeJianxin, the Head of International Cooperation Office Zhang Xiaoyan, the Head of East Asian Studies Center CaiCaishi, Deputy Dean of Business School Cui Xinjian, and Deputy Director of MBA Education Center JiaXiaojing were present. Secretary GeJianxinconveyed regards of Dean of Business School Wang Ruihua and expressed sincere thanks to InterGest’s support to Business School, CUFE.
The visit of Professor Peter Anterist included two parts: holding a lecture for students from the Business School and selecting interns for InterGest in summer 2015. Undergraduates, academic graduates and MBA students from the Business School attended the lecture and the interview. At first, Professor gave a brilliant lecture on the topic “Franchising as a Means for Opening up New Markets” and discussed related issues with students. Then, Professor Peter Anterist interviewed students who were interested in InterGest’s Internship in summer 2015. He was impressed with professional quality and excellent English of students from Business School and he said, though the seats of internship for InterGest was limited, he would like to provide extra opportunity for outstanding students.
It has been more than 10 years since the friendly relationship between InterGestand CUFE Business School was built. The InterGest France S.A.S. selected and subsidized 2postgraduate students into 3 months’ internship in Europe and this is the most famous international communication project in CUFE. It is commonly praised that the project has been developed since 2014; interns will be selected from all the graduates including MBAs.


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