Faculty & Research
Supply Chain and Operations ManagementFaculty & Research
Date :2024-10-24



Email: daihy@cufe.edu.cn

Department: Supply Chain and Operation

Educational Background (Bachelor’s degree and above)




Academic Degree

September 2000 - July 2004

Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications

School of Automation

Bachelor's degree

September 2004 - July 2006

Tsinghua University

Department of Automation

Master's degree

September 2006 - January 2011

Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Department of Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management

Doctoral degree

Main Research Areas

Data-driven New Retail Supply Chain Optimization, Internet of Things

Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, translations, edit works, etc.)

Journal Articles (January 2019-December 2023, excluding Category C papers)

Authors (all listed in order)


Journal Title (please indicate whether it is indexed by SCI or SSCI)

Issue Number and Page Number

Dai Hongyan, La Ta, and Xun Xu

Does the New Entrant Eat My Pie or Enlarge My Pie? Market Entry Investigation in the Online-to-offline On-demand Context

Decision Support Systems (SCI)


Yuqian Xu, Baidu Lu, Anindya Ghose, Hongyan Dai, Zhou Weihua

The Interplay of Earnings, Ratings, and Penalties on Sharing Platforms: An Empirical Investigation

Management Science (SCI)


Hongyan Dai,Qin Xiao,Songlin Chen,Weihua Zhou

Data-driven demand forecast for O2O operations: An adaptive hierarchical incremental approach

International Journal of Production Economics

2023, 259, 108833

Jiawei Tao, Hongyan Dai, Weiwei Chen, Hai Jiang

The Value of Personalized Dispatch in O2O On-demand Delivery Services

European Journal of Operational Research (SCI)

2023, 304(3), 1022-1035

Dai Hongyan, Tao Jiawei, Jiang Hai, Zhou Weihua

Big Data-Driven Decision Making Paradigm Shift - Taking Personalized O2O Real-time Logistics Distribution as an Example

Journal of Management Science and Engineering (CSSCI)

2023, 26(5), 53-69

Zhou Yun, Pu Yaqi, Dai Hongyan, Zhou Weihua

Research on the Impact of Traffic Sponsorship on Telecom Service Supply Chain under Different Information Models

Journal of Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (CSSCI)


Hongyan Dai, Yan Wen, Weihua Zhou, Tingting Tong, Xun Xu

Enhancing Online-to-offline Delivery Efficiency Facilitated by Industry 4.0: A Personnel Configuration Perspective

Industrial Management & Data Systems (SCI)

2023, 123(4), 1198-1219

Hongyan Dai,Qin Xiao,Nina Yan,Xun Xu,Tingting Tong

What Influences Online Sales Across Different Types of E-Commerce Platforms

International Journal of Electronic Commerce

2022, 26(3), 311-330

Hongyan Dai, Ling Ge, Chen Li, Yan Wen

The Interaction of Discount Promotion and Display-related Promotion on On-demand Platforms

Information Systems and E-Business Management (SSCI)


Hongyan Dai, Qin Xiao, Nina Yan, Xun Xu, Tingting Tong

Item-level Forecasting for E-commerce Demand with High-dimensional Data Using a Two-stage Feature Selection Algorithm

Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering (SCI)

2022, 31(2), 247-264

Jiawei Tao, Hongyan Dai, Hai Jiang, Weiwei Chen

Dispatch Optimisation in O2O On-demand Service with Crowd-sourced and In-house Drivers

International Journal of Production Research (SCI)

2021, 59(20), 6054-6068

Hongyan Dai, Yali Liu, Nina Yan, Weihua Zhou

Optimal Staffing for Online-to-Offline On-Demand Delivery Systems: In-House or Crowd-Sourcing Drivers?

Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research (SCI)

2021, 38(1), 1-25

Hongyan Dai, Peng Liu

Workforce Planning for O2O Delivery Systems with Crowdsourced Drivers

Annuals of operations research (SCI)


Hongyan Dai, Ling Ge, Yali Liu

Information Matters: An Empirical Study of the Efficiency of On-Demand Services

Information Systems Frontier (SCI)

2020, 22(4), 815-827

Tingting Tong, Hongyan Dai, Qin Xiao, Nina Yan

Will Dynamic Pricing Outperform? Theoretical Analysis and Empirical Evidence from O2O On-demand Food Service Market

International Journal of Production Economics (SCI)

2020, 219, 375-385

Hongyan Dai, Haoyang Yu, Qin Xiao, Weihua Zhou

A Clustering-based Sales Forecast Method for Big Promotion Days in O2O On-demand Retailing

Proceedings of 2019 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (EI)

2019, 1079-1083

Hongyan Dai, Jiawei Tao, Hai Jiang, Weiwei Chen

O2O On-demand Delivery Optimization with Mixed Driver Forces

IFAC PapersOnLine

2019, 52(13), 391-396

Nina Yan, Tingting Tong, Hongyan Dai

Capital-constrained Supply Chain with Multiple Decision Attributes: Decision Optimization and Coordination Analysis

Journal of Industrial & Management Optimization (SCI)

2019, 15(4),1831-1856

Monographs, Books or Edit Works (January 2019-December 2023)

Authors (all listed in order)



Date of Publication

Zhen Wang,Song Lin,Dai Hongyan

Guide to Frontier Literature on Business Management

China Financial and Economic Publishing House



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