Alumni activitiesAlumni
Inauguration Ceremony of CUFE Business School-DongxingSecurities Partnership Held Successfully
Date :2019-03-08

On the afternoon of March 7, 2019, the Inauguration Ceremony ofCUFE Business School-Dongxing Securities Partnership and the RecruitmentInformation Session of Dongxing Securities were held successfully at thelecture theater of the MBA Education Center, Central University of Finance andEconomics (CUFE). The event was attended by school leaders including WangRuihua, Dean of the CUFE Business School and Director of the MBA EducationCenter, Wang Rong, Vice Party Secretary, and Jia Xiaojing, Vice Director of theMBA Education Center, as well as guests from Dongxing Securities including LiuLiang, Vice General Manager, Zhang Bei, General Manager of the Department ofHuman Resources, Wang Guangqin, General Manager of the Beijing Zhichun RoadBranch, Dai Shuoyun, Operation Director, and Zeng Jie, General Manager of theFinancial Market Department. Also present were over 60 student representativesof the CUFE Business School. The event was presided over by Kong Weiming, ateacher from the MBA Education Center.


Dean Wang Ruihua delivered a speech


The speech by Professor Wang Ruihua marked the beginning of the event.He first expressed a warm welcome to guests from Dongxing Securities on behalfof the School and then gave them an overview of CUFE and the Business School. Accordingto him, establishing partnerships with enterprises corresponds with the call ofthe 19th CPC National Congress Report to “deepen the integration of industriesinto education and university-enterprise cooperation,” which is of crucialimportance for the creation of new education models, consolidation of applieddisciplines, and training of high-quality talents for enterprises. He spokehighly of the status and strength of Dongxing Securities in the securitiessector, extended appreciation on behalf of the School to the company for itssupport, and expressed wishes to leverage each other’s specialties in all-roundand high-level cooperation on teaching, talents education, and employeetraining, so as to make greater contributions to the development of industry,society, universities and students.


Liu Liang, Vice General Manager of Dongxing Securities, addressedthe event


Following the speech by Dean Wang, General Manager Liu Liangbriefed the meeting on the basic information, history and recent achievementsof Dongxing Securities, and revealed goals of the company. In his speech, heemphasized the important role of talents in enterprise development andexpressed sincere appreciation for the excellent performance of CUFE graduates.Liu also said that he would like to invite more excellent CUFE graduates tojoin their company on the occasion of this university-enterprise partnership.In his concluding remarks, he said that Dongxing Securities earnestly expects aspiringgraduates to join them and expressed good wishes for this partnership.


Signing ceremony  


Plaque presentation ceremony


A signing ceremony and a plaque presentation ceremony were heldafterward. Dean Wang Ruihua and General Manager Zhang Bei signed auniversity-enterprise cooperation agreement. The CUFE Business School awardedDongxing Securities the plaque of “Research & Teaching and TalentDevelopment Center” which was unveiled by Dean Wang Ruihua and General ManagerWang Guangqin.


Dai Shuoyun spoke at the recruitment information session


Wang Guangqin interacted with students present


Dai Shuoyun from Dongxing Securities went into details about therecruitment information of the company by introducing its specific proceduresand job requirements. She also said that the company will provide a collectionof jobs and internship opportunities for students and invited CUFE students tosign up for these opportunities. At the end of the event, CUFE alumni WangGuangqin and Zeng Jie answered questions raised by students with greatenthusiasm.



Next:CUFE BusinessSchool held the 2018’Conference on Alumni Work and the Promotion Meeting of the 70th Anniversary of CUFE

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Address:usiness School,Central University of Finance and Economics,39 Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing(100081)
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