Faculty & Research
MarketingFaculty & Research
Date :2024-10-24



Email: sunguohui@cufe.edu.cn

Department: Marketing (MKT)

Educational Background (Bachelor’s degree and above)




Academic Degree

September 1979 - July 1983

Shandong University

Political Economics

Bachelor of Economics

September 1983 - July 1986

Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

Business Economics

Master of Economics

September 1998 - July 2001

Central University of Finance and Economics

National Economics

PhD in Economics

Main Research Areas

Strategic Marketing and Multinational Management, Brand Management and Brand Internationalization

Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, translations, edit works, etc.)

Journal Articles (January 2019-December 2023, excluding Category C papers)

Authors (all listed in order)


Journal Title (please indicate whether it is indexed by SCI or SSCI)

Issue Number and Page Number

Sun Guohui, Liu Pei

Research on the Mechanism of the Influence of the Explanation Strategy Selection Based on Co-branding on Consumers’ Evaluation of New Products

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics

2021,(4), 93-100

Liu Dong, Dong Xiaodan, Zou Shaoming, Sun Guohui

Inside the black box: How does resource asymmetry contribute to IJV acquisition intention?

Industrial Marketing Management (SSCI)

2020, 91, 301-310

Sun Guohui, Liang Yuan, Li Jipeng

The Impact of Social Exclusion on the Tendency of Status Consumption Behaviors

Business Management Journal

2020, 42(4), 124-138

Wang Yi, Liu Jia, Sun Guohui

Acquaintances or Strangers, for Whom Do Consumers Change? - The Impact of the Presence of Different Types of Others on Consumers’ Diversified Seeking Behavior

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics

2020, 4, 91-97

Yang Yiweng, Sun Guohui, Tao Xiaobo

The Measurement of Beijing's Cognitive, Affective and Conative City Brand Image

Urban Problem


Sun Guohui, Yang Yiweng, Li Jipeng

Brand Extension Type Selection: A Study of the Impact of Fit and Authenticity on Attitudes toward Extended Products under Different Brand Concepts

Management Review


Sun Guohui, Liang,Yuan, Li Jipeng,Lu Mengyu

Research on the Formation Mechanism of Regional Stereotypes from the Perspective of Social Cognitive Theory - Data Analysis Based on In-depth Interviews and Grounded Theory

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics


Academic Conferences and Conference Papers (January 2019-December 2023)

Conference Time

Conference Name

Conference Venue

Please indicate the paper and author information if a paper is published

Paper Title

Authors (all listed in order)

July 19-21, 2021

2021 Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Marketing Association of Universities and Doctoral Forum


October 6-8, 2020

2020 Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Marketing Association of Universities and Doctoral Forum


July 26-28, 2019

2019 Annual Academic Conference of Chinese Marketing Association of Universities and Doctoral Forum



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Address:usiness School,Central University of Finance and Economics,39 Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing(100081)
Copyright 2015@ usiness School, Central University of Finance and Economics