Faculty & Research
MarketingFaculty & Research
Date :2024-10-24




Email: wangyi@cufe.edu.cn

Department: Marketing (MKT)

Educational Background (Bachelor’s degree and above)




Academic Degree

September 1995-July 1999

Northeastern University

School of Business Administration

Bachelor's degree

September 2000 - July 2003

Wuhan University

School of Business

Master's degree

September 2003 - July 2006

Wuhan University

School of Economics and Management

Doctoral degree

Main Research Areas

Big Data Marketing, Consumer Behavior, Marketing Strategy

Publications (including journal articles, conference papers, monographs, translations, edit works, etc.)

Journal Articles (January 2019-December 2023, excluding Category C papers)

Authors (all listed in order)


Journal Title (please indicate whether it is indexed by SCI or SSCI)

Issue Number and Page Number

Wang Yi, Wang Liming (student), Liu Jia, Zhou Xinru (student)

Exploring the Mechanism of the Influence of Facial Social Perception on Occupational Matching Effect: Experimental Confirmation of the Mediating Role of Personality Inference Based on Facial Features

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics


Wang Yi, Xin Ying (student), Yao Kai, Zhang Juyuan (external), Geng Yong

A FACI Model Study on Sales Persuasion Strategies in the Context of Online Voice Interaction: An Empirical Test Based on Unstructured Data from Call Centers

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics


Wang Yi, Liu Jia

The Impact of Brand Identity Boundaries on Consumers' Evaluation of Brand Innovativeness - A Study Based on the Perspective of Embodied Cognition and Spatial Metaphor

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics


Wang Yi, Liu Jia, Sun Guohui

Acquaintances or Strangers, for Whom Do Consumers Change? - The Impact of the Presence of Different Types of Others on Consumers’ Diversified Seeking Behavior

Journal of Central University of Finance and Economics


Wang Yi, Lu Su, Liu Jia, Tan Jiahui, Zhang Juyuan.

The Influence of Culture

on Attitudes towards Humorous Advertising

Frontier in Psychology, (SSCI), Category AAA


Previous:LI JI

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Address:usiness School,Central University of Finance and Economics,39 Xueyuan South Road,Haidian District,Beijing(100081)
Copyright 2015@ usiness School, Central University of Finance and Economics