发布日期 :2012-05-21



专题名称:When perceived over-qualification is detrimental to job attitudes? The role of job autonomy and national culture


吴佳辉博士,台湾大学心理学硕士,英国谢菲尔德工作心理学硕士,现就读于澳洲西澳大学商学院,他的研究兴趣包括员工积极行为、员工自我评价和工作经验的动态历程、成人依恋研究、生活品质与华人的中庸思维。他的研究成果已经在许多国际高水平期刊发表,包括Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Management, Journal ofOccupational and Organizational Psychology, Personality and Individual Differences, Social Indicators Research.


      Over-qualification has been found to be negatively associated with employee’s job attitudes. However, perceived over-qualification is not always leads to negative job attitudes. This study aims to investigate boundary conditions of over-qualification in leading to negative job attitudes based on a job design perspective and a cross-culture perspective. The authors propose that higher job autonomy will alleviate the negative association between over-qualification and job attitudes, and this moderating effect of job autonomy will be more prominent among employees from an individualistic culture than employees from a collectivistic culture. In other words, the authors propose a three-way interaction of over-qualification, job autonomy and national culture (individualism/collectivism) in shaping employees’ job attitudes. Data from the 4th and 5th European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) were analyzed to test this hypothesis. Results of a two-level multilevel modeling analysis reveal that the negative association between over-qualification and job attitudes is stronger among employees who have lower job autonomy and are from individualistic nations (i.e., Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, Netherlands, and United Kingdom), comparing to employees who have higher job autonomy and/or are from collectivist nations (i.e., Portugal, Turkey, Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia). This study highlights the importance of job design and cross-cultural differences in understanding the consequence of over-qualification.

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