发布日期 :2019-05-16







个人简介:尹珏林目前为中山大学管理学院的副教授,在南开大学商学院取得管理学博士,在哈佛大学从事博士后研究。她的研究兴趣主要集中在中国情境下的企业社会责任战略、可持续发展、商业伦理和社会创业。尹博士在国内外期刊如Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of World Business, Long Range Planning等发表中英文论文二十多篇,且主持或参与了多项国际级、国家或省部级课题。尹博士目前担任Business Ethics: A European Review英文SSCI期刊的副主编,《管理学季刊》编辑部副主任,以及Management and Organization Review编委会成员。尹博士还为浙江省政府、苏州工业园区政府、商道纵横公司、英国AccountAbility机构做过企业社会责任和可持续发展方面的咨询工作,同时兼任上海美国商会可持续发展与企业社会责任理事会成员。


[Abstract] This study investigates the antecedents and mechanisms of consumers’ adoption of a public bicycle-sharing scheme (PBSS) as a form of shared sustainable consumption. Drawing on marketing ethics and sustain- ability literature, it argues that cultural and consumption values drive or deter the adoption of PBSS through the mediating mechanism of ethical evaluation. This study tests its hypotheses using a sample of 755 consumers from one of the largest PBSS programs in China. The results confirm the significance of collectivism, man–nature orientation, materialism, and face-consciousness as key determinants of the adoption of PBSS. Interestingly, these values play mixed roles in influencing PBSS adoption. It also finds that such values and beliefs need to be effectively translated into ethical evaluations of PBSS adoption, and need to be addressed in the specific social context. Thus, ethical evaluation constitutes a cognitive strategy that allows consumers to justify and defend their adoption of sustainability practices. The results suggest that a desirable sustainability program needs to not only cater to the cultural and psychological motivations of consumers, but also reflect the social norms and social context in which the sustainability practices and consumers are embedded.





上一篇:2019中央财经大学暑期国际学校招生简章 下一篇:商学院学术论坛:Small Lending Big:Strategic Dual-channel Pricing Games in Online Supply Chain Finance


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