商学院学术论坛:International Box Office of Films:Do Localization Strategies Work?
发布日期 :2019-08-30








题目:International Box Office of Films:Do Localization Strategies Work?


摘要:This study focuses on the internationalization of films under the guiding research question: Do localization strategies help films improve their box office overseas? Using film data from China and the United States, we find that the quality of American films can positively affect box office in China, and the localization strategies of Chinese films can positively affect their box office in the United States Both of these effects will become weaker as their enter age in host country increases. Taken together, our findings not only extend past research on films’ strategies and box office but also contribute to the literature on the classical Integration-Responsiveness (IR) framework in the field of international business, as well as the literature on strategies based on industry status differences.


此次学术论坛为参加2019年第79届美国管理学年会(79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management)后的学术交流活动。此次参会得到中央财经大学研究生学术交流支持计划的资助。

上一篇:商学院学术论坛:Small Lending Big: StrategicDual-channel Pricing Games with E-retailer Finance 下一篇:商学院学术论坛:创新智慧社会与国家权威期刊选题、投稿、写作技巧


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