商学院战略投资与管理论坛第1期:The Performance Effects of Outside CEOs in Globalizing Chinese Firms: Market Characteristics, Legitimacy, and Political Embeddedness
发布日期 :2019-12-20

报告题目The Performance Effects of Outside CEOs in Globalizing Chinese Firms: Market Characteristics, Legitimacy, and Political Embeddedness






演讲嘉宾:黄冬东博士 新加坡南洋理工大学


摘要I draw inspiration from the legitimacy perspective and political embeddedness theory to examine the effects of outside chief executive officers (CEOs) in globalizing Chinese firms on firm performance. Specifically, I argue that the fast-changing and turbulent market environment for globalizing firms from emerging markets will amplify the adaptive capability of outside CEOs and reduce the costs of organizational disruption that they may bring. Hence, outside CEO succession will bring positive effects for the performance of globalizing Chinese firms. Moreover, such positive effects will be stronger in central state-owned enterprises (SOEs) due to their greater improved legitimacy perceived by stakeholders in host countries. In addition, the performance effects of outside CEOs will be even more positive in central SOEs witha Party Secretary that have work experience in both the government and industrial sectors, who helps outside CEOs better embedded in the home country political system. However, outside CEOs’ performance effects will less positive when there is a strong presence of Party Secretaries on the board of directors, which leads to over-embeddedness problems. I test my hypotheses using a sample of 251 globalizing Chinese firms listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges. The results offer strong support for my arguments. The results point tothe importance of alignmentamongCEO origin, market characteristics, legitimacy in host countries, and political embeddedness within the home country government for firm performance.


演讲人介绍:Mr. HUANG Dongdong is a PhD candidate majoring in strategy from Nanyang Business School, Nanyang Technological University. His research covers areas in emerging market multinational corporations, corporate governance, state-owned enterprises, and organizational stigma, with political connections as the overarching topic.

He has actively participated and presented papers in top international conferences annually, includingthe Strategic Management Society annual conference,the Academy of Management annual conference, andthe Academy of International Business annual conferenceand so on. Among all the conference papers, one was awarded asthe Best Paper Proceedings of the Academy of Management annual meeting in Atlanta, 2017, and another was accepted asthe competitive paper session in the Academy of International Business annual conference in Copenhagen, 2019. He has two papers under revision and resubmission: one toJournal of Management Studies Special Issue for Organizational Stigmaand another toJournal of World Business 2021 Review Issue.

Before his PhD study, Mr. Huang received his master degree in Industrial Economics from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and bachelor degree in International Economy and Trade from China Agricultural University.



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