商学院学术论坛:Exploring supply chain sustainability: a mapping approach
发布日期 :2019-12-30

讲座题目:Exploring supply chain sustainability: a mapping approach


主讲人:Ying Kei Tse







Dr. Ying Kei (Mike) Tse is an Associate Professor and the Former Head of Group of Operations Management at the University of York. His research interests have been in Operations Management / Data Analytics fields, particularly working in the area of risk and resilience in both supply chain and big data environment.



There is a growing interest in the resilience of agri-food supply chains. Questions are emerging regarding the features of a sustainable supply chain and how one can enhance resilience, particularly with respect to food production and supply given the‘perfect storm’facing the nexus between food, climate, energy and water. In order to monitor the impacts of these challenges, a variety of data will need to provide better information on a range of activities. This project develops an inter-disciplinary research to explore the sustainable practices in food chains, with a particular focus on the exploration of multiple data sources. It will identify a UK supply chain map and the adoption of sustainable practices though secondary data, such as green procurement, environmental supply chain partnership, emission and resource reduction.



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