Julia Sloan



Julia Sloan




Dr. Julia Sloan is principal of Sloan International, a New York-based global executive development firm specializing in strategic thinking for organizations operating in emerging and existing markets of Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Africa and the US. Her client base consists of major companies representing industry sectors of finance, technology, manufacturing, consumer products, petroleum, governments and international agencies.


A leading authority on the cognitive aspect of strategic thinking, Julia is widely recognized for her pioneer work in the application of complex cognitive theory to everyday global strategy practice. She is the author of a definitive book, Learning to Think Strategically (Elsevier Publisher) that was nominated as Best Business Book of the Year (2007) by The Financial Times; author of numerous commissioned articles; and author of a forthcoming book in 2012. As a result of her research on strategic thinking, Julia has twice been invited to speak on behalf of the late Nobel Prize economist, Milton Friedman.


Julia’s research interests include strategic thinking in relation to learning theory and socio-cultural theory; and her approach integrates cultural and cognitive aspects drawn from global management principles, cross-cultural theory, neuro-science and organizational development.  


Serving as a speaker, lecturer and consultant, Julia draws upon more than two decades of her own corporate expatriate and international management development experience in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East. She regularly travels abroad to work on-site with both local and international executives in an effort to align the business agenda with prevailing economic, cultural and social issues. Julia facilitates seminars on learning strategic thinking as part of corporate global leadership and strategy development initiatives. Her work impels executives and public policy leaders to expand their focus beyond a strategic planning model to a more expansive and complex notion of strategy that includes innovation and perpetual change.


Julia has addressed organizations including: MITI (Japan’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry), Southeast Asian Investment Forum, ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) Conference, JETRO (Japan Export and Trade Organization), (NAIST) Nara Institute of Science and Technology, The Executive Council of Dubai, and the (IPA) Institute of Public Administration in Saudi Arabia.


Additionally, she has presented at various conferences in Asia, Europe, the MidEast, Africa and the U.S. Julia teaches at Columbia University and the Brookings Institute and has guest lectured at MIT and Harvard University (U.S.); Tsinghua University and Nanjing University (China), Tokyo University, Keio University (Japan); India Institute of Management (India) and the Dubai School of Government (Dubai).


In addition to working with corporations, Julia also consults for the United Nations Peacekeeping Forces and the UN Secretariat. She served as an advisor to the Afghan women delegates in the first Constitutional Convention in 2003.


Residing in New York, Julia’s educational background includes a doctorate from Columbia University; master’s study from Yale University and University of Alaska, and undergraduate studies from Kent State University.







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