发布日期 :2022-10-10


主 讲 人:龚 宇


线上地点:腾讯会议号230-341-637 密码:2022



龚宇博士,英国南安普顿大学商学院运营管理副教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为多层级可持续供应链管理与供应链创新,已发表SCI/SSCI论文近50篇,加拿大毅伟教学案例三篇。论文发表在多份高水平期刊如IJOPM, IJPE, IJPR, IMM, BSE, 担任Business Strategy and the Environment(ABS 3,影响因子10.8)与Journal of Computer Information Systems(ABS 2,影响因子3.3)副主编,担任国际期刊IJOPM, IJPR 等客座编辑,同时担任JOM, IJPE, IJPR, TRE 等多份国际知名刊物匿名审稿人。


Excess greenhouse gas emissions from human and industry activities are believed to be the key cause of catastrophic climate change. According to the United Nations, carbon neutrality by 2050 is the world’s most urgent mission. Many countries recently made commitments to this mission; however, at a supply chain level, little is known about barriers to carbon neutrality, circumventing strategies, and their performance implications. This pioneering study addresses the knowledge gap by case studies of six first movers. We find four common barriers: “major upfront investment costs”, “lack of awareness”, “lack of expertise”, and “resistant mindset.” Small and medium-sized enterprises face additional barriers relating to “lack of support from supply chain partners” and “uncertainty in return on investment”. We find that most first movers achieved positive economic performance associated with their carbon neutrality initiatives. Based on the findings and the literature, we develop a framework and discuss practical implications for governments and businesses to jointly overcome barriers to supply chain decarbonization.

上一篇:商学院卓越学术讲坛系列讲座2022年第十三期成功举办 下一篇:商学院卓越学术讲坛2022年第十二期


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