题目: The Impact of Value Co-creation Capability to Cooperative Relationship with Trust and Interpartner Legitimacy as Mediators in Service Supply Chain
主讲人:陈金亮 讲师
时间: 2010 年 12 月 8 日星期三,中午 12 : 30—14 : 00
地点:学院南路校区主楼14 层,商学院大会议室
摘要: Many researchers discussed the concept of value co-creation, but few study focused on it with empirically method. This paper empirically explores value co-creation capability which includes product service capability and integrated service capability, and its influence on cooperative relationship, with trust and interpartner legitimacy as mediators. With the data from Chinese industries, seeming unrelated regression was used to test the framework, and hypotheses. The result showed that product service capability and integrated service capability have significant influence on interpartner legitimacy, and interpartner legitimacy is a significant mediator between value co-creation capability and cooperative relationship. Product service capability has not significant, while integrated service capability has significant influence on trust, and trust is a significant mediator between integrated service capability and cooperative relationship.